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What [Am I / I Am] Doing at AWP

This looks apocalyptic af

Here's a quick run-down of what I'll be doing at this year's AWP conference at Washington DC of all places.

It's an exciting time to be in DC, since it's a chance for writers all over the county and the world to gather together to express our displeasure with the policies of the brand new, horrid administration. We won't just be reading and talking about writing, we'll be there to say NO in person, en masse. For two ways people are doing that check out AWP Writers Resist Trump and The Candlelight Vigil for Free Speech.

And also, the books. For this year I even put together a small chapbook of outtakes from The Voyager Record. I'm calling it Voyager, Too because, obvs, it's about Voyager, too.

Magic hour + Gingham filter

It comes in two different color covers to highlight its binary nature. You can think of it as a sequel to The Voyager Record or as a bonus track. They'll be available wherever I can be found for $5 or for barter.

On Thursday, check out the Gigantic Sequins reading with Yellow Flag Press and UL Lafayette. I won't be reading there, but I do hope to attend. It's at a textile museum! Textiles! It's The George Washington University Museum and Textile Museum701 21st St NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20052 .

On Friday night I'll be at the joint Rose Metal Press/Soho Press/The Cupboard Pamphlet offsite reading at The Baby Wale. It's called Welcome to the End: The Future is Wild and that seems right.

The Baby Wale

6:30 PM–9:30 PM

1124 9th St NW, Washington, DC

Then, on Saturday morning I'll be sitting at the Gigantic Sequins table (630) from 9AM until 10:30AM, at which point I'll be moving one table over to the Rose Metal Press table (629) to sign copies of The Voyager Record and talk hybrid.

Kanye, Magritte, St Agatha, Božena Němcová and Carl Sagan

Then, for everyone who is staying until the very last panel of the conference, I'll be speaking with

Kathleen Rooney, Sarah Blake, Sarah Domet, & Kelcey Parker Ervick about alternative approaches to writing biography on the panel Attempting the Impossible: Strategies for Writing Creative Biography​.

Attempting the Impossible: Strategies for Writing Creative Biography

4:30 PM–5:45 PM

Room 101, Level One

Washington Convention Center.

We'll be talking about these folks pictured here.

After the conference is officially over I plan on heading to the Candlelight Vigil for Free Speech.

And while we're on the topic of AWP, take a look at this Ask the Aliens post from last year where someone asked extraterrestrials whether or not they should go to the conference.

See you there! Snow on Thursday, wear some boots!

[Top image: Altered from Uscapitolindaylight.jpg by Kevin McCoy [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons]

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